This annually-revised guide is a summary of currently suggested fertility, horticultural, and pest management techniques and tools for commercial vegetable growers, and is a collaboration of land-grant universities from eight states. It provides contact and vegetable production information that is valid for the current year in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio.

Target Audience: Commercial vegetable growers.

Format: Perfect-Bound Paperback Book.

Language: English.

Pages: 309, 8” x 10.75”.

Hardcopies are for sale in participating states, with pricing at the discretion of the distributor.

At, we have free pdf downloads of the guide for printing in whole or in part on your own.

The database-driven digital guide at gives you an opportunity to make specific queries of crops, pests and controls online and export those as a printable pdf.

This work is supported by the Crop Protection and Pest Management Program [grant no 2021-70006-35450 and 2018-70006-28883] from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Have a good season!


Full Guide

Download the Whole Guide - 309 pages

Reference Information

Acknowledgements and Disclaimers
Table of Contents
Letter to Readers/About Us
State Contact Information
Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
Transplant Production
Field Production
High Tunnel Production
Organic Certification
Using a Diagnostic Lab
Chemical Application and Safety
Produce Food Safety Strategies
Sanitizer Table
Disease Management Strategies
Fungicide Tables
Fungicide Efficacy Table for Cucurbits
Fungicide Efficacy Table for Fruiting Vegetables
Weed Management Strategies
Herbicide Tables
Insect Management Strategies
Insecticide Tables
Nematode Management Strategies
Nematicide Table
Special Labels by State

Crop Recommendations

Asian Vegetables
Cole Crops and Brassica Leafy Greens
Cucurbit Crops
Fruiting Vegetables
Leafy Vegetables and Herbs
Mint for Oil
Onions and Related Crops
Peas and Beans
Root Crops
Sweet Corn
Sweet Potato

Change Log

Date Section(s)​ Change Description
12/20/2023 Leafy Vegetables and Herbs, p. 186

There was a mis-print in the physical guide that is missing the Horticultural information for Leafy Vegetables and Herbs, and instead goes right into the Disease management. It is also missing the Disease Management header. The horticultural information has been added to the downloadable guide here, increasing page length to 309.

12/20/2023 p. 156-302

There was a mis-print in the physical guide. For some reason the top right-hand corner page headers starting in the Fruiting Vegetables - Diseases section and continuing to the end of the book also include "Sweet Potato - Weeds" in the header. These errors have been fixed for the downloadable guide here.

07/19/2024 Onions and Related Crops, p. 221

The PHI for Agri-Mek is 30-day for garlic, shallots, and dry onions, and 7-day for leeks and green onions. These items have been fixed in the database for the online interactive guide, but won't be incorporated into the downloadeable pdf until next release.

07/19/2024 Fruiting Vegetables, p. 180

The PHI for Agri-Mek is 7-day for field-grown crops, and 1-day for greenhouse tomatoes. These items have been fixed in the database for the online interactive guide, but won't be incorporated into the downloadeable pdf until next release.

© 2024 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide. All Rights Reserved